
Friday, August 6, 2010

Highschool of the Dead – 04

I’m watching you, recap episodes!

No way in hell am I going to believe that there’s a simple reason as to why we have an early recap. For Pete’s sake, it’s still in the fourth episode!

psgels said, “Obviously, something went wrong []”

Well, yeah, of course. I’m sure that even great companies like Madhouse could make a really big mistake here, but it’s just sad to say that with only 3 episodes, you have a recap on the fourth. I’m pretty happy with them adding some new material in the second half, but the part that I hate it is that it’s almost like a “filler.” Despite the fact that they were showing how humans could go insane after all the trouble he did for the survivability, it still isn’t really something “new” to me to. Sure, you could keep the drama going, but I think they could just do a simple flashback and continue with the show.

This is only a quick review to excuse my weeks without posts. Can’t really keep the promise up with all the issues arising in my life. I mean, I had to sleep eight hours good for two days to finish school work! I seriously don’t do that sh*t… unless conditions like “You won’t have to do this and that if you do this”-thing are in.
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