
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Highschool of the Dead – 06

I personally think that it’s hard to think why you should hate this series for the fan service or the “intellectual” choice for not choosing it—particularly referring to just blood, gore, and tits.

For the porn, I didn’t particularly care or even want to get a boner, but the Highschool of the Boobs was kind of a nice touch for the main event: the chaos between police officers and the ordinary citizens. During the rally of the citizens, who made abrupt conclusions and much panic, it was rather nice to say that these are the twisted minds of people as the zombie outbreak continued. Some people believe that it is a plot-hole of the episode for having absurd beliefs that don’t (just) materialize out of nowhere spontaneously and so quickly. For my comment on this misconception, it is kind of disappointing to lose a lot of viewers just ‘cause of this. I mean, seriously. We’re talking about people going mad over the fact of being afraid of death. Put yourself in a similar case, left in an island, all alone, surrounded by sharks, and miraculously still alive for almost a week, suffering from thirstiness and hungriness, and especially the sadness of them leaving you behind. What’d you do? Still think you’ll survive? Well, if you think you can still survive, then sorry for making such vague descriptions.

And I have to agree, the fanservice wasn’t just for nothing because it was a nice character build-up; Rei’s relationship with Hisashi (needless to say, the girls’s relationship with Rei) and the better way of confirming why she chose Hisashi over him.

Well, anyway, it was also thought that the bark of the dogs was a plothole because the zombies didn’t attack the dog, but this is also wrong; as highlighted in episode 4, they only react to metal sounds. As theorized by an ordinary commentator, zombies do not go for animals. They go towards the sound without finding something.

Generally, the whole episode was ★★ (very good) for the character build-up, the “main event,” and the misunderstood abrupt rally and dog barks.
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